Kishida vows $5 million in support after Ukraine dam breach
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Kishida vows $5 million in support after Ukraine dam breach

Jun 07, 2023


Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday that Japan will provide $5 million in support after the collapse of the Nova Kakhovka dam caused severe damage in the war-torn nation, the top government spokesman said.

Kishida and Zelenskyy held a telephone conversation days after tens of thousands of residents were forced to evacuate following flooding triggered by the destruction of the dam, for which Ukraine has blamed Moscow amid Russia's invasion of its neighbor.

During their first talks since the two leaders met in Hiroshima on May 21, the closing day of the three-day Group of Seven summit, Kishida also expressed sympathy to victims of the dam disaster, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said.

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