States see record low unemployment across the U.S.
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States see record low unemployment across the U.S.

Sep 17, 2023




Across much of the country, the jobs market is as strong as it's ever been, and Black women, young people, and people with disabilities are among the workers benefiting, recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data show.

Twenty states reported an unemployment rate under 3% in April, while 15 states saw record lows, led by South Dakota at 1.9%, followed by Nebraska at 2%, and New Hampshire and North Dakota at 2.1%. The national rate was 3.4%. Other states that saw their unemployment rates reach levels not seen since the BLS began recording them in 1976 include Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Maine, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to BLS data released on Friday.

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, Virginia's unemployment rate dropped to 3.1% in April, a slight decrease from its March rate and below the national rate of 3.4%. A May 19 press release from Gov. Glenn Youngkin's office also noted the state recorded its highest labor force participation rate since June 2014 in April, at 66.2%.

"The Virginia labor market continues to show strength during the first part of 2023," said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. "Despite large gains in labor force participation, filling open positions remains a challenge for businesses in the commonwealth, and we remain laserfocused on getting more Virginians into the workforce."

Recent data from the Virginia Employment Commission also found there was just under one unemployed worker for every two job openings in Virginia in March 2023 — a measurement known as the "job seekers ratio." That ratio has held steady since July 2021.

Mark Vitner, the chief economist at Piedmont Crescent Capital in Charlotte, North Carolina, said major metropolitan areas and emerging metropolitan areas in the South have benefited from recent shifts in the labor market. In Florida, the labor market in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville has been growing rapidly, he said.

"Huntsville, Alabama, is one of the fastest growing markets, and it's a big tech market in aerospace and in defense. We’ve seen a huge influx from California into Huntsville, and Chattanooga, Tennessee, has seen an influx of investment in the automotive industry," he said. "The Port of Savannah has been the fastest-growing port in the country. It's just fueled enormous growth in the industrial market in Savannah and, more broadly, in south Georgia. These markets have low unemployment rates and very strong job growth, and so that's what you want to see that mix of."

Vitner added that the rural areas of states with low unemployment may have a different story to tell.

"States that have a larger rural population tend to have lower labor force participation, and given the stronger overall job growth, it results in some very low unemployment rates without particularly strong nonfarm employment," Vitner said.

To be sure, in some states, the number of people who have lost work has increased. Ten states had rates of 4% or higher than the nation. Nevada, which had the highest unemployment rate in the country in 2020, has seen job gains but still had the nation's highest rate in April, at 5.4%. States like Washington and California, which have seen large layoffs among tech companies, also have seen their job markets slightly worsen.

But the recovery has also lifted up workers often sidelined in worse economic times. Bureau of Labor Statistics data on the demographics of workers and their unemployment rates for April showed that employment among Black women climbed to a 22-year high. Women's labor force participation is also moving up. It increased by 0.6 of a percentage point in the past year.

That growth is affecting women of all ages and education levels, and Black women and Hispanic women have had some of the biggest labor force participation growth, at a 2.2% and 2.1% increase over the same period, according to an analysis from the University of Michigan's Betsey Stevenson, a professor of economics, and Benny Docter, a senior policy analyst.

The unemployment rate for people with disabilities, while still high compared to the overall unemployment rate, is 6.3% compared to 8.3% a year ago. In March, the unemployment rate for people aged 16 to 24, who are already benefiting from pre-pandemic labor market conditions, marked a 70-year low at 7.5%, according to the Economic Policy Institute. In April, it dipped further for that age group to 6.5%.

"What happens when the economy is strong is that you can bring marginalized groups of workers off of the sidelines because employers are more open to different folks essentially," said Katherine Gallagher Robbins, a senior fellow at the National Partnership for Women & Families. "Part of the consequence of this strong labor market is that you’re seeing low unemployment rates for Black workers, and in particular Black women and for disabled workers. The rates for disabled workers have been both in terms of unemployment, but also in terms of participation, really strong compared to what we have seen in years gone by."

Gallagher Robbins added that Gen Z workers came into a very strong labor market, which bodes better for them than previous generations, but it also means they have more to lose if the economy falters soon.

"They’re hopefully in a position of setting themselves up for lifelong higher earnings, and yet they will be amongst the first to go. They tend to work in industries where there's more churn," she said, such as retail and hospitality.

Many industries are also showing fast job growth right now, Docter said, and growth has been largest in education and health care.

Private sector education and health services "had been the strongest job grower through the time between the last recession and 2020, and it got knocked pretty far off course in a way that was pretty atypical. Since then, we’ve seen really steady, really impressive growth most months (in those areas), and I expect that we still will for a while," he said. "It's nowhere near its pre-pandemic trajectory, so there’d be over 700,000 more jobs in that industry today than there are. And so there's a lot of space there to grow if you look at the numbers this month. … There's nothing really to say that those industries are going to falter any time soon."

The labor market is still leaning toward greater power for workers as well, which has been positive for labor organizers, Gallagher Robbins said. Americans’ approval of labor unions has increased from 64% before the pandemic to 71% in 2022.

"[Worker bargaining] is on the rise and not accidentally. … Not everything has been successful, but those [organizing efforts] coming to the fore now, I think, are no coincidence," she said. "That is also something that is interacting and intersecting with the economy of the moment, and if we shift back towards a place where workers have less bargaining power, I think that that's going to have an impact on the ability to organize."

Vitner said the retirement of Baby Boomers provides many workers with greater labor power than they previously enjoyed.

"Workers clearly have more negotiating power today. One of the things that's in their favor is that we have a rising tide of Baby Boomers that are leaving the workforce. And that makes for a very tight labor market, and certain industries have even greater challenges because their workforce skews a bit older," he said. "Younger workers have a bit more negotiating power, but they have a brighter outlook. They’re entering the workforce at a time where there's going to be opportunities to advance relatively quickly."

Inflation has made it more difficult for many workers to enjoy these gains, but that could be changing. Although inflation is still far above the Federal Reserve's 2% target, it is moderating, and wages are now outpacing inflation, at a 6.1% increase in median weekly earnings for January, February, and March compared to a year before. During the same period, there was a 5.8% rise in consumer prices. In April, average hourly earnings rose by 4.4% over the past 12 months.

by Casey Quinlan, Virginia Mercury

Virginia Mercury is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Virginia Mercury maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Sarah Vogelsong for questions: [email protected]. Follow Virginia Mercury on Facebook and Twitter.

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Following a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that narrows environmental protections for wetlands, environmental groups say there will be little change in Virginia because of the state's strong wetlands regulations.

"Theoretically, Virginia has stronger water quality protection than the federal government," said Peggy Sanner, Virginia director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Under Virginia wetlands laws and regulations, she said, the state "should be able to continue to protect all the waters of the state, including those that may not be in the federal protections."

On May 25, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case known as Sackett v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that the wetlands protections in the Clean Water Act apply only to bodies of water with a "continuous surface connection" to larger navigable water bodies, a decision that will greatly reduce the number of wetlands the government can protect.

Previously, wetlands connected to larger bodies through groundwater and intermittent bodies of water that might dry up during portions of the year were protected under the law, which regulates pollution discharges into the nation's waters.

The Sackett family in Idaho brought the case, who argued they shouldn't have to obtain an EPA permit to build a house on their property. The EPA had said a permit was necessary because water from the land would run into a ditch that fed into a creek, which fed into a navigable lake.

After an initial loss in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the family challenged the decision and won its case in the nation's highest court.

"The wetlands on the Sacketts’ property are distinguishable from any possibly covered waters," Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the majority opinion.

Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil and are broadly understood to encompass swamps, bogs, marshes, and areas around creeks, rivers, lakes, and ponds. They are seen as critical habitats for diverse species of wildlife. Wetlands are also seen as a critical tool to filter out pollutants from reaching larger bodies of water like the Chesapeake Bay and to absorb flooding from sea level rise and stormwater surge before communities are damaged.

While the federal government regulates disturbances of wetlands through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Clean Water Act also gave states the power to impose their own rules for wetlands.

Virginia has its own set of laws under the Department of Environmental Quality and Virginia Marine Resources Commission for wetland protections, established by the Tidal Wetlands Act of 1972 and the Virginia Nontidal Wetlands Act. As the names imply, the Tidal Wetlands Act applies to wetlands in more coastal areas, whereas the Nontidal Wetlands Act applies to inland waters.

DEQ spokesperson Aaron Proctor said the agency is still reviewing the Sackett decision and declined to comment on how it could impact Virginia's regulations.

Several Virginia environmental groups, however, said strict state laws and regulations will continue to protect Virginia's wetlands.

The laws require permits for any action that impacts wetlands and mandate that there must be "no net loss" of the resource, explained Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Director Peggy Sanner. To avoid or minimize any loss, permits from DEQ that allow disturbances to wetlands "shall contain requirements for compensating impacts," which may include requirements to build new wetlands, buy credits from wetland restorers or pay into a fund that is used to restore wetlands, Sanner added.

Virginia's regulations "made a very strong protection for our waterways where you have the federal government and the state government acting together," Sanner said. "When you have one of those partners, for whatever reason, bow out, that's a cause for concern."

Mary-Carson Stiff of environmental nonprofit Wetlands Watch said that while the impact of the Supreme Court decision on traditional tidal waters isn't as much of a concern because surface water connections between bodies of water are more easily distinguishable, the effect on non-tidal waters could be greater because of climate change.

With sea level rise, waters from one ditch may jump a road or a floodwall to another land area, explained Stiff, making the new ditch a wetland through a process known as wetland migration. At the same time, coastal areas are experiencing coastal squeeze, resulting from rising sea levels pushing coastlines inland.

"From a climate change standpoint and sea level rise adaptation standpoint that's focused on natural resource conservation and shoreline ecosystem survival, this is bad news," Stiff said of the Sackett ruling.

Stiff said that Wetlands also impact other wetlands that may be further downstream or disconnected on the surface but still connected through groundwater.

"If anything happens to our laws in Virginia to weaken our ability to call the wetlands on the other side of the road wetlands, we won't have a fighting chance to do the appropriate amount of wetlands migration that needs to happen so we have wetlands under sea level rise," Stiff said.

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh also raised concerns about the ruling's impact on areas experiencing sea level rise in his concurring opinion.

"Federal protection of the Chesapeake Bay might be less effective if fill can be dumped into wetlands that are adjacent to (but not adjoining) the bay and its covered tributaries," Kavanaugh wrote, calling the new interpretation an "overly narrow view of the Clean Water Act."

But while environmental groups are expressing some concern over Sackett's effect on wetland protection, the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation has praised the ruling as a necessary reduction of bureaucracy for farmers.

Prior to the Sackett ruling, if a farmer wanted to dig a ditch in his or her field to drain flood waters from a serious storm, the EPA would need to issue a permit for the work in addition to state approval, said Virginia Farm Bureau Vice President of Government Relations Martha Moore.

"We’re very happy with the Sackett ruling. For us, it provides clarity for farmers that don't require a team of attorneys to try and figure out," Moore said. "Virginia already has the Chesapeake Preservation Act, and you can't do anything in those zones. We already have conservation practices, we already encourage the development of wetland mitigation banks. I feel like Virginia already has those protections, and this just added another layer of bureaucracy that you don't really need."

by Charlie Paullin, Virginia Mercury

Virginia Mercury is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Virginia Mercury maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Sarah Vogelsong for questions: [email protected]. Follow Virginia Mercury on Facebook and Twitter.




The office of Attorney General Jason Miyares plans to hire six prosecutors and group violence intervention coordinators with the $2.6 million in grant funding it received to try to reduce gun crime.

Another $5 million will go toward the extension of a hospital-based violence intervention program meant to help people escape life circumstances that led to them being shot or stabbed.

Virginia State Police plans to spend $256,044 to hire a new analyst at the crime-fighting Virginia Fusion Center, who will use geographic data to help authorities spot and address trends in violent activity.

And more than a dozen local law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and community groups will receive grant funding for a variety of initiatives to stem gun violence in their areas, projects that range from hiring more prosecutors to funding outreach programs for at-risk youth.

A report issued this week by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services lays out how various state and local entities plan to spend roughly $10 million in anti-gun violence funding recently approved by the General Assembly. The new report also includes status updates on $500,000 grants previously issued to the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, Richmond, and Roanoke.

The more recent state funding was awarded through the 2023 Operation Ceasefire Grant Program, which runs from the start of this year through the end of 2024. Ceasefire programs are modeled after an anti-violence model Boston officials implemented in the 1990s that focuses on trying to steer people away from gangs and other activities that make them more likely to be shot or shoot someone while cracking down on those who disregard those efforts and go on to commit violence with a firearm.

Prince William County told the state it intends to use the $353,974 it received to hire a full-time "gun violence interventionist" responsible for implementing the county's "community-based intervention and prevention initiatives."

The city of Suffolk said it intends to hire a new prosecutor and "identify high-risk individuals to participate in call-ins, which will provide directed cease and desist messaging."

Prosecutors in Prince George County and neighboring Hopewell plan to use $249,996 to create a "regional prosecutor initiative," with a new attorney working in both jurisdictions to "prosecute offenders involved in firearms offenses and gun violence."

In Southwest Virginia's Lee County, officials will receive $81,766 for an additional prosecutor focused on guns, violent crime, and "methamphetamine trafficking."

A handful of nonprofit groups also received state funds for a variety of intervention programs meant to prevent violence before it occurs through mentoring programs, skills training, and mental health support.

by Graham Moomaw, Virginia Mercury

Virginia Mercury is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Virginia Mercury maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Sarah Vogelsong for questions: [email protected]. Follow Virginia Mercury on Facebook and Twitter.




The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) reached a significant milestone with the issuance of over three million REAL ID-compliant driver's licenses and identification cards. Starting from May 7, 2025, Virginians wishing to board domestic flights using their driver's license must present a REAL ID-compliant version, distinguished by a star in the right corner. This article explores the implications of this requirement and provides essential information for those seeking to upgrade their credentials.

The REAL ID Act, enacted by Congress in 2005, established federal security standards for state-issued driver's licenses and identification cards. The primary goal was to enhance the integrity and reliability of identification documents used for official purposes, including air travel and access to secure federal facilities. The Virginia DMV has been actively working to ensure its residents are well-prepared for the forthcoming changes.

DMV Commissioner Gerald Lackey emphasized the significance of obtaining a REAL ID: "Many Virginians rely on their state-issued credentials for air travel. If you still need to upgrade to a REAL ID, prepare for your visit now by applying online and gathering the necessary documents. When you arrive at the DMV, we are committed to delivering a personalized, positive experience that exceeds your expectations."

In addition to domestic air travel, a REAL ID will be required to access secure federal facilities, including military bases. Virginians interested in obtaining a REAL ID are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as the DMV anticipates a surge in customers as the 2025 deadline approaches. Individuals will receive guidance on the required documents by completing the application process online at

It is important to note that obtaining a REAL ID is optional. Virginians who choose not to upgrade can still use their current driver's license or identification card. However, upon renewal, their new credential will display the phrase "Federal Limits Apply," indicating that it is not compliant with the REAL ID Act. For those who need to board domestic flights after May 7, 2025, alternative federally approved identification documents, such as a U.S. Passport, a Passport Card, or specific military IDs, can be used.




Silver Branch Brewing Company, a renowned production brewery and taproom based in Silver Spring, Maryland, is making a significant move by investing $3 million to establish a new facility in Fauquier County, Virginia. The expansion aims to enhance the company's production capabilities, broaden its range of beer offerings, and strengthen its presence in the region. The project, which successfully competed with Maryland, will generate 38 new jobs and contribute to the economic growth of Fauquier County.

Governor Glenn Youngkin expressed his excitement about Silver Branch Brewing Company's expansion into Virginia, highlighting the state's reputation in the food and beverage processing industry. Governor Youngkin emphasized the Commonwealth's business advantages, industry resources, and strategic access to markets, which have contributed to its strong manufacturing growth across various regions.

Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick welcomed Silver Branch Brewing Company to Virginia's impressive food and beverage processing industry, underscoring its position as the second-largest manufacturing sector in the Commonwealth. Merrick emphasized the value and efficiency of Virginia's robust logistics infrastructure, which enhances supply chain growth for companies. The state is committed to supporting the success of Silver Branch Brewing Company in Fauquier County.

Christian Layke, Co-Founder of Silver Branch Brewing Company, expressed excitement about joining Virginia's vibrant craft beer community. With personal ties to the area, Layke and his co-founder, Brett Robison, are fulfilling a lifelong ambition of bringing their beer to the Commonwealth. They view beer not just as a beverage but as a social experience they call "Gemütlichkeit" (German for comfort), which is essential to their brewery's ethos. Silver Branch Brewing Company is eager to welcome Virginians to their new tasting room in Old Town Warrenton and is actively seeking passionate beer lovers from Fauquier and surrounding counties to join their team.

Mayor Carter Nevill of Warrenton extended a warm welcome to Silver Branch Brewing Company, emphasizing the significance of having such a highly regarded regional brewer and restaurateur invest in the town. Mayor Nevill highlighted the thriving business community in Warrenton and the role that craft brewing plays in making Fauquier County a premier tourist destination. The addition of Silver Branch Brewing Company will complement the existing array of wonderful restaurants, craft breweries, cideries, and unique retail shops, ensuring the continued growth and success of the local economy.

Delegate Michael J. Webert expressed his support for Silver Branch Brewing Company's choice to establish their facility in Fauquier County. He credited the efforts of House Republicans and Governor Youngkin in making Virginia a more business-friendly state. Delegate Webert expressed enthusiasm for the positive impact this investment will have on the hardworking individuals in his district and home county.

Silver Branch Brewing Company, founded by Christian Layke and Brett Robison in March 2019, has gained recognition for its exceptional beers inspired by European and American brewing traditions. The company's location in the heart of downtown Silver Spring, Maryland, has served as a hub for beer enthusiasts, and now their expansion into Virginia will further solidify their presence in the craft beer community.

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership collaborated with Fauquier County to secure the project, offering support for job creation through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP). This program provides consultative services and funding to companies creating new jobs, aiding in employee recruitment and training. VJIP, a state-funded business incentive, demonstrates Virginia's commitment to enhancing job opportunities for its citizens.




This spring has seen increased bickering in Northern Virginia over two little-known aviation regulations called the slot and perimeter rules, which govern operations at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Arlington County. What exactly are they — and why are people fighting over them? Read on to figure out what you need to know.

The perimeter rule limits the distance of nonstop flights to and from Reagan National to 1,250 miles — roughly the distance westward to Kansas and Nebraska and as far north as Quebec and Newfoundland.

Initially set at 650 miles in 1966 and then later increased, the perimeter was intended to help reduce congestion at Reagan National and encourage use of the much larger Dulles International Airport in Fairfax and Loudoun counties.

The rule allowed Congress to pass exemptions to the perimeter, which it has done three times in 2000, 2003, and 2012. (Congress has a special interest in both Reagan National and Dulles because the federal government owns them, with operations managed by the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority, known as MWAA.)

Those exemptions have opened up Reagan to 40 daily flights — or 20 round trips — to and from Seattle, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Austin and San Juan. A November 2020 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office found these flights increased passenger traffic at Reagan National and "likely reduced" some of the airport's existing capacity.

Beyond-perimeter flight exemptions at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. (U.S. Government Accountability Office)

The slot rule also called the high-density rule, was created in 1969 to control congestion at five high-traffic airports, including Reagan National. It requires airlines to obtain a "slot," or authorization, for every takeoff from and landing at the airport; Reagan is currently limited to a maximum of 67 slots per hour.

Slots are allocated by the Federal Aviation Administration, and the GAO noted in its 2020 report that "airlines consider their slots and slot exemptions to be valuable assets." In 2009, JetBlue co-founder Dave Barger pitched then-Gov. Tim Kaine on a proposal to let airlines "slide" more slots between different hours of the day, arguing it would give more low-cost airlines access to the airport. The Kaine administration directed Barger to discuss the idea with the MWAA.

Debates over the slot and perimeter rules aren't new. They typically occur every five years when Congress reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration, which it's slated to do by the end of September. But this year, the issue is getting more attention after U.S. Reps. Hank Johnson of Georgia and Burgess Owens of Utah introduced legislation last month to add 28 additional flights to Reagan National both within and beyond its current perimeter.

"Five years ago, there wasn't as much of an organized effort," said Brian Walsh, a Fairfax resident who serves as the spokesperson for the Capital Access Alliance, a coalition of business organizations that most notably includes Delta Air Lines. Since then, he says, "more people are flying than ever before," and the population in Northern Virginia and around Dulles has grown.

"Nothing has been changed in a number of years, and so with this year's authorization bill, we see an opportunity to modernize what many of us see as an antiquated" system, he said.

The Capital Access Alliance has mounted an aggressive campaign to get Congress to authorize the additional flights, which it argues will allow up to 1 million more passengers to fly to and from locations outside the perimeter, drive down ticket prices and create over 1,000 new jobs. An analysis by the group concludes Reagan National is "under-utilizing its capacity compared to other major airports in the top ten U.S. metros," and prior additions of beyond-perimeter flights there have "not negatively impacted the overall passenger growth at" Dulles.

"Dulles is fully equipped to survive on its own. There are hundreds of thousands of people who live around it today," said Walsh. "This is about giving air travelers more choices."

Not everyone agrees. A counter-organization is known as the Coalition to Protect America's Regional Airports has emerged to oppose the proposal, saying adding flights from Reagan National "would create unnecessary gridlock, threaten jobs and local businesses, risk connectivity for countless communities, and increase congestion, delays, and noise."

The coalition, which includes the MWAA as well as United Airlines, several Virginia chambers of commerce and 17 Virginia airports, points in its defense to a May 25 memo from the Federal Aviation Administration that called the Capital Access Alliance report "flawed." Instead, the FAA wrote, additional flights "would likely have a negative impact on operational performance and passenger experience," and Reagan National "is more delay prone than most other airports."

Furthermore, argued coalition director Scott York in a release on the group's formation, "if the slot and perimeter rules are removed or changed, airlines will be incentivized to replace routes that promote and sustain nationwide connectivity with longer-haul, more profitable flights. These lost connections will have a significant impact on the local communities that rely on regional airports for economic development as well as safe and convenient travel."

The MWAA contends that Reagan National is already operating at full capacity and has the busiest runway in the nation, with 819 daily takeoffs and landings on average.

"While [Reagan National] is very popular because of its proximity to Capitol Hill, it simply cannot accommodate all the flights that airlines want to send to Washington," said MWAA President and CEO Jack Potter in a statement urging Congress to reject the increases.

The debate could continue at least through the summer. The current FAA authorization is set to expire at the end of September, but it's not unusual for Congress to extend the deadline.

Walsh said the Capital Access Alliance is currently focused on "educating" the public and members of Congress about the newest slot and perimeter proposal. It will have to win over a number of key votes, including those of Virginia's U.S. senators, Democrats Mark Warner and Kaine. This spring, the two joined with Maryland Sens. Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen to convey their "strong opposition to any attempts at changing" the current slot and perimeter rules. Virginia's six Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives are also opposing the measure.

"With the expansion of Metro access to Dulles, long-distance flights from the Washington region have never been more accessible or competitive," Warner and Kaine wrote in an April statement. "The slot and perimeter rules help to balance consistent world-class aviation services at the region's three major airports, which has in turn allowed for billions of dollars in private-sector capital investment in the metropolitan Washington area."

by Sarah Vogelsong, Virginia Mercury

Virginia Mercury is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Virginia Mercury maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Sarah Vogelsong for questions: [email protected]. Follow Virginia Mercury on Facebook and Twitter.




In a bold stance against the Biden Administration's recent approach to immigration, Attorney General Jason Miyares of Virginia has spearheaded an 18-state coalition in a lawsuit challenging the newly proposed ‘Circumvention of Lawful Pathways’ rule.

Labeled by the federal government as a vital tool in immigration regulation post-CDC's Title 42 public health order expiration, critics, led by Miyares, argue that the rule's actual impact is far from its purported goals. This order was instrumental during the COVID-19 pandemic, granting authorities enhanced capabilities to bar immigrants from crossing the border.

At the heart of the dispute is the definition of "lawful pathways." As per the new rule, activities previously deemed as illegal border crossings are now being classified as "lawful pathways," an interpretation viewed by some as a tacit endorsement of illegal immigration.

Miyares minces no words in his criticism, stating that the Biden Administration's plan does little to deter illegal immigration. "This… provides the Cartels with a makeshift manual on how to circumvent and exploit our immigration regulations," he said. This argument comes amid rising concerns about the increasing chaos and tragedy taking place at the border, with human trafficking and the scourge of fentanyl smuggling into Virginia's communities being spotlighted.

This contentious move has united a diverse group of states in opposition. Joining Virginia's Attorney General in this suit are Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming.

Given the escalating tensions surrounding immigration policy in the US, this lawsuit represents a significant challenge to the Biden administration's approach to immigration and border control. The issue will undoubtedly remain a contentious point of national debate and a potential pivot for future policy-making.

Click here to read the lawsuit.

Thank You to our Local Business Participants:

by Casey Quinlan, Virginia Mercury by Charlie Paullin, Virginia Mercury by Graham Moomaw, Virginia Mercury by Sarah Vogelsong, Virginia Mercury Thank You to our Local Business Participants: