Norfolk police reveal more than £200,000 has been lost to courier fraud across the county
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Norfolk police reveal more than £200,000 has been lost to courier fraud across the county

Jul 21, 2023

More than £200,000 have been lost in courier fraud across the county- new data has revealed.

The data shared by Norfolk Police shows that people over the age of 70 are being targetted by the type of fraud where scammers pretend to be the police or bank employees via telephone or email.

The scammers then manipulate victims with convincing stories and creating a sense of urgency to send money via a courier who will arrive to collect a large sum of cash in an envelope or bag.

Action Fraud received 39 reports in Norfolk the past year with victim's losing £206,680.

Norfolk Police have issued advice on how to avoid falling for scams and have said that the police will never call you to verify personal details- including bank details.

Data from the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, run by the City of London Police, the national lead force for fraud, revealed that people in their 70s or older lost more than £12.6 million to courier fraud last year, 77 per cent of all money stolen by this type of fraud.

The split of fraud reports made by men and women aged 70 or above was 37 per cent and 63 per cent. Shockingly, data shows 153 reports were made by people in their 90s with one report being from someone aged over 100.

In the last year (May 2022 to May 2023), 1,587 reports of courier fraud were made by people over the age of 70 across the UK. There were a total of 1,847 reports of courier fraud.

Courier fraudsters have also been known to coerce victims in to using mini cabs and taxi services where they are then sent to jewellers to purchase high-value items. Reports have also shown that victims have been sent to foreign exchange bureaus, where they are instructed to electronically transfer money for "safe-keeping".

Another variation of courier fraud involves convincing victims to hand over their bank cards, PIN numbers, or other sensitive information such as answers to security questions. The fraudsters claim that they need these details to verify the legitimacy of the victim's account or to assist in their investigation. Once the victims disclose this information, the fraudsters gain access to their funds and can carry out unauthorised transactions

Reports to Action Fraud, also run by the City of London Police, identified a link of courier fraudsters targeting locations such as retirement homes and villages, care homes and buildings that provided assisted living, often targeting some of the country's most vulnerable and oldest.

Detective Chief Inspector Lee Parish, from the Fraud Operations team at City of London Police, said: "Courier fraud is a devastating crime that preys on vulnerable and often older people. Millions of pounds of hard-earned pensions and savings are being stolen each year and we are concentrating efforts to stop courier fraud at the source.

"We’ve seen a growing trend of courier fraud taking place in and around retirement villages, care homes and assisted living accommodation. We’re asking family members and staff supporting older people across the UK to be vigilant, especially for incoming phone calls to residents, couriers arriving by motorbike or taxi and to any visitors who unexpectedly arrive.

"Banks or police officers will never send a courier to pick up cash, bank cards or pin codes from individuals and we would encourage anyone who thinks they are being targeted to report it using Action Fraud and also reporting separately to their bank. If there is a crime currently taking place, you should always call 999."

Remember, staying cautious and sceptical can go a long way in protecting yourself from courier fraud. Take the time to verify information, seek advice from trusted sources, and never rush into making financial decisions under pressure.

If you think you’ve been a victim of fraud, contact your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud online at or by calling 0300 123 2040, or call Police Scotland on 101.

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